White Rice and Diabetes

White Rice and Diabetes, white rice sugar level, study in white rice, food increase diabetes, white rice review, food review, health preview and reviewRecent studied say that consume white rice everyday can caused high blood pressure, high fat and sugar in blood and low of good cholesterol. it's because rice can easily converted into sugar when it consume,  compared with grain, rice contains more fiber.

Frank Hu, Professor of nutrition and epidemiology at harvard School of Public Health in Boston has began research that involved 1900 men and women in Costa Rica. In his studied, he substituted white rice with grains, and founded that it's can lower risk of diabetes up to 35 percent. Frank Hu suggested that to reducing or replace white rice with brown rice, nuts in diets.

White Rice when consume can immediately turn into energy but carbohydrates that contain in white rice can not store as glycogen that's way it will increase the sugar in blood.

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